A top 3 Audiologist in Nottingham, passing a rigorous 50-point independent inspection.
Why should I come to Ear Care Specialists for ear wax removal?
We perform over 1000 ear wax removal procedures every year. We are highly experienced in this field, with many of our fellow audiology colleagues coming to us specifically for ear wax removal training and supervision.
Uniquely, Ear Care Specialists is home to a state-of-the-art high resolution ENT operating microscope. This offers unrivalled otoscopic viewing (up to x 25 magnification) throughout the microsuction procedure. This is essential for safe ear wax removal.
Sadly there are many inexperienced, ill-equipped and inadequately qualified individuals offering ear wax removal services. Treat your hearing with the care it deserves and ensure you're seeking the attention of a qualified specialist to support your journey. Here's our best tips for choosing a specialist for your Ear Wax Removal. To book an appointment with us, click here.
What if ear wax is not found during my appointment?
Sometimes wax isn’t discovered upon examination of the ears. In this case, patients often opt to have further hearing assessments within the appointment to better understand their symptoms. A consultation fee of £30 applies in this circumstance.
How old do you have to be for wax removal?
Wax removal can be undertaken safely on children. We see patients as young as six years old. Importantly, the child will be required to remain still and calm throughout. Adjustments such as sitting on the parents lap often help with this.
What happens if you can’t get the wax out of my ear?
Infrequently, patients might require the application of further softening drops and to return for a second treatment. If this is the case, no further charges will be applied.
Will I be able to see inside my own ears?
Yes! We use a video otoscope and take before and after images of your ears so you can see the results for yourself.
Should I use ear drops prior?
Olive oil drops for two or three days can help with hard ear wax removal however it isn’t absolutely necessary for microsuction. We discourage the use of Otex and other chemical wax softeners which can often turn your ear wax to mush, making it far more difficult to remove.
Is it painful?
The procedure shouldn’t cause any pain. Mild discomfort can be experienced if the wax is hard. We encourage the use of drops prior to your appointment, although this isn’t always necessary.
How long does it take?
The actual ear wax removal process via microsuction usually takes just a few seconds to minutes. We allow extra time for a thorough consultation, sanitisation and to ensure your comfort throughout.
Can you remove foreign bodies from my ear?
We are able to remove foreign bodies such as hearing aid domes and cotton bud tips. We will always start with a thorough examination to ensure it can be safely removed.
What if you discover I have an ear infection or other medical problem with my ears or hearing?
If any otological conditions / symptoms are uncovered during your appointment, you will be advised accordingly. We work with a very experienced private ENT consultant who we can refer you to should you wish.
Patients can also request a written appointment summary of any discussions, actions and test results. This can be useful if seeking out further management.